The digital future in education in Africa.

Initiation of young people : just like traditional education, initiation into computer tools should be encouraged from primary school onwards.


Initiation of young people : just like traditional education, initiation into computer tools should be encouraged from primary school onwards. In sub-Saharan Africa, despite the generalization of public computer rooms in the form of cybercafés, the majority of schools do not have a computer laboratory, a favorable place for the training of students. However, collective efforts to equip every primary and secondary school in disadvantaged communities with computer rooms must be encouraged because in a highly connected digital world, every child, regardless of social status, must have the basic knowledge and easily use the tools. TIC.

Integration of ICT in education : to amplify the development of ICT in education in sub-Saharan Africa, education authorities must not only promote the use of computer tools but also integrate essential ICT courses into school curricula. .

In some countries since 2010, free training by foundations and dedicated to young people on programming languages ​​(coding) and robotics continue to multiply. Following the example of schools like Happy Coders, Coder Dojo which offer initiation workshops in several countries of the continent, new projects are being set up. Formalizing these lessons in education would allow children to no longer be passive in front of screens, to integrate these tools into deeper reflections and to be autonomous. They will be able to develop solutions to real problems in society and to bring their expertise to all trades exposed to digital transformation.

Strong institutional support for digital entrepreneurs: the craze around ICT encourages entrepreneurs to create software and mobile applications to meet the needs of society. The education sector is not spared. The 2020 health crisis that caused the closure of schools also proved that education needs more than ever to integrate new technologies to ensure the success of learners. Many countries have made use of online education, online educational platforms, social networks, radio and television. This was the case in Tanzania with Shule Direct, a platform serving over 2 million students and 23,637 secondary school teachers; in Kenya, in Ghana and Ivory Coast with Eneza Education which shares educational content by SMS to these subscribers of primary and secondary schools. In Togo, the Kekeli Lab association and its virtual library project, anchored in the integration of ICT, continues to support students in their education. These initiatives, which not only allow young children to learn but also to develop national education despite the crisis, must be encouraged. In doing so, it would be necessary for leaders to increase the aid adapted to young African entrepreneurs in the digital sector so that they can continue to develop solutions that encourage the transformation of mentalities. continues to support students in their education. These initiatives, which not only allow young children to learn but also to develop national education despite the crisis, must be encouraged. In doing so, it would be necessary for leaders to increase the aid adapted to young African entrepreneurs in the digital sector so that they can continue to develop solutions that encourage the transformation of mentalities. continues to support students in their education. These initiatives, which not only allow young children to learn but also to develop national education despite the crisis, must be encouraged. In doing so, it would be necessary for leaders to increase the aid adapted to young African entrepreneurs in the digital sector so that they can continue to develop solutions that encourage the transformation of mentalities.


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