The 5 Essential Elements of a Great Ecommerce Website

When building an ecommerce website, you’re going to want to consider some elements that will make your site user-friendly and appealing to your audience. Here are the five most important things to keep in mind when designing your ecommerce website.


#1 Attractive Professional Design


No matter how clever your product is, or how good its price point is, if your customers don’t find it aesthetically pleasing, they will not buy from you. Invest in a great design, and make sure you’re using high-quality images to drive conversions.  The reality is that most online shoppers want an attractive website with professional images, clean typography and an intuitive user experience.  To help achieve these goals, look for a UI/UX design company that specializes in ecommerce UI/UX Design.


#2 Simple Navigation


In order to attract more customers, your website has to be easy to navigate. Try using simplified language and text size that’s easy to read. If you have long pages, break them up into sections by using drop-down menus or buttons. And make sure there’s enough room on each page so that people can easily click their way through without accidentally clicking something else.


#3 Easy Checkout Process


If you have complicated payment options on your website, then you’re going to scare away your customers. It should be easy for people to purchase what they want and that means minimizing unnecessary steps or hoops to jump through. Be thoughtful about how you lay out your checkout process because it has a direct impact on your conversion rate. This can make all of the difference in keeping visitors on your site.


#4 Clear Call-to-Action Buttons


You don’t want to lose customers before they get to your product pages. Make sure you have clear and obvious buttons that lead them directly to your buy page. A website with no call-to-action buttons is like a store without any storefronts or signs; most people won’t know what you want them to do. If you’re offering multiple products, make sure there are links for each one.


#5 Integrate Google Search Results


Shoppers often do Google searches to learn more about products they’re interested in buying. Instead of sending them away from your site, integrate their search into your site by featuring links to similar products or category pages within your site. This way, instead of spending time shopping around for information on each individual product you sell, shoppers can get all their questions answered on one page (your site).




When you're designing an ecommerce website, it is important to remember that most online shoppers are hunting for a bargain. Your job is to not only give them what they want but also inspire confidence in their purchases. Remember these five elements and create an ecommerce website that will entice your customers to buy.


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