The Undead also have a special gold arrangement

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There are a number of differences between the factions you'll want to know about, too. Orcs and Humans are functionally the same, together with TBC Classic Gold workers manually chopping trees down and evaporating into gold mines to collect stone, then walking back the resources to your Hall construction. As such, you are going to need Halls as near gold mines as you can. If, for any reason, you have to construct one further than the minimum distance, you'll want over the five workers to compensate for the missing time.

Night Elf workers, known as Wisps, want to Entangle a Gold Mine to collect from it, which requires 60 minutes. Once assembled, Wisps can be'loaded' into the mine, gathering gold without needing to move. Being the environmental sort, they also don't destroy trees while gathering lumber, like the other factions. Pop a wisp onto a shrub, and it'll float around collecting lumber for the rest of the game.

The Undead also have a special gold arrangement -- a Haunted Gold Mine. Much like Night Elf Wisps, Undead Acolytes stay about the mine and collect mechanically. At 100 seconds, construction one is slower than the Entangled Gold Mine, but Undead Acolytes do not have to stick around in 1 place to build, rather summoning a portal that attracts their structures into existence. When the portal is summoned, they're free to start other tasks.

Undead also differ from the other factions because they will need to cheap WOW TBC Gold use their simplest combat unit -- Ghouls -- to gather lumber. The trade-off is that Ghouls gather 20 timber per delivery rather than the Human and Orc's 10, and the Night Elves' 5. They are also a lot more defensible, should your opponent target your employees.


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