How to decide the best way to secure doorways

The protection signal of anti-theft front door locks is not ideal, and the efficiency varies



The protection signal of anti-theft front door locks is not ideal, and the efficiency varies.door hardware supplier ,When purchasing, how to choose an excellent anti-theft entrance system?


1. Choose a manufacturer with good quality assurance

Choose a manufacturer whose company supplier has after-sales support in multiple locations, so that they can come to your door for repairs if there is a problem with the door lock throughout the warranty period


2. The starting direction of your door

Make sure the lock you choose opens in the same path as your door, as handle locks are divided into left and right handles.


3. The role of the anti-theft front door

When choosing a management lock, the shape of each functional front door buckle needs to be regular to ensure that the areas are more synchronized


4. Anti-theft entrance hinge

It must be handled with a hinge with sufficient power to avoid the entrance sliding after a period of time, compromising a safe opening or possibly causing injury.



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