Can I share the room during pregnancy?

1. Can I share the room during pregnancy?


1. Can I share the room during pregnancy?

1. Early pregnancy

The embryo has just implanted, the bond with the mother is not strong, and the fetus is not fully formed. Therefore, improper early sexual life can easily cause the uterus to oscillate or cause the uterus to contract, causing miscarriage. For insurance purposes, try to avoid sex during the first trimester, or reduce the frequency of sex, and move gently.

2. Mid-pregnancy

Basic development of the fetus has entered a stable growth period, and the entire physical condition of pregnant women has entered the optimal stage. Therefore, you can have a proper sex life, but you also need to control the number of times, take an appropriate posture, and reduce the severity.

3. Late pregnancy

Extra-pregnancy sex life should also be extra careful, a little improper may cause premature rupture of membranes, infection, premature delivery and other conditions. Start sex 6 weeks before the expected date of delivery to avoid premature delivery.

In order to be able to enjoy a perfect sex life during pregnancy, prospective parents need to pay attention to many key points.

Second, the precautions of sexual life during pregnancy

1. Do personal hygiene

Both sides of the body should be cleaned before and after making love. Don't forget that your hands also need to be cleaned to avoid bacterial infection.

2. Don't be too intense

This can be understood without saying that her husband should not intervene too deeply during sex, twitch slowly during orgasm, and do not change positions frequently during the process. If the expectant mother feels uncomfortable during sex, such as abdominal swelling or pain, dizziness, etc., it may be caused by the lack of gentle movements. At this time, you should temporarily break the rest.

3. Choose a position that does not compress the abdomen

Pregnancy is an opportunity for the couple to explore and experience different sexual intercourse positions. You can try and experience a position suitable for pregnancy.

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