Two Main Factors That Can Result in Website Downtime

You've put a lot of work and money into your website. The goal is to pull the maximum amount of profit feasible. Unfortunately website downtime can be your biggest challenge when it comes to achieving this target.


You've put a lot of work and money into your website. The goal is to pull the maximum amount of profit feasible. Unfortunately website downtime can be your biggest challenge when it comes to achieving this target. For every minute that your site goes down, the business is losing profits. So what can you do to prevent it? What can you do to avoid the inevitable? Although you cannot completely remove all downtime from your website cvv ru su However, you can make steps to ensure that any downtime your website is experiencing is very minimal. The tips below can help you identify two of the major causes of site downtime and how you can take action to reduce them.

Make Sure You Have Enough Bandwidth:

The first thing you need to know is that all hosting plans are not created to be equal. If you've bought an hosting plan that does not have sufficient bandwidth to meet your site's requirements and requirements, it will eventually cause website to be down.

If you do not have an hosting plan that provides unlimited bandwidth, your site is limited in the bandwidth that it is able to use. Every time someone visits your site they are requesting your hosting company to transfer the webpage from the server to the computer of the visitor. As your host performs this process your bandwidth used is determined and then subtracted from the bandwidth allocated to you. If your website's traffic rises as does your bandwidth consumption. If you run out of bandwidth, your website will slow down.

Website downtime due to inadequate bandwidth is a common occurrence among webmasters who do not understand their website's bandwidth needs or how the graphic and scripts used on their website affect the amount of bandwidth that their site consumes. If you're looking to increase your allotted bandwidth, make sure your site is efficient with regard to bandwidth use. This is particularly crucial for websites that are hosted on an shared server.

To prevent your website from being down due to bandwidth issues, try to sign up for a web hosting plan that includes unlimited bandwidth or take a look at moving your site on a separate server where bandwidth usage will not be a problem.

Make Sure You're Using the Right Hosting Company:

As every hosting plan isn't created equal, neither are all hosting companies. The reality is that some hosting services have a better reputation than others. Just because a website says that they can provide 99.9 percent uptime doesn't necessarily mean that your website will actually be experiencing it. If you find that your website has been experiencing more frequent crashes than it should be you should change your plan of hosting or switch hosting companies altogether. What do you do? How do you determine if your site is suffering from problems with your host?

The best way to be aware of your website's downtime is to use a monitoring service for websites. These services will notify you immediately when your website is experiencing an issue. Website monitoring services also alert you of any performance issues your website might be experiencing issues, like slowdowns and other issues that could potentially affect your website's earnings and reputation.

If your website monitoring service informs you that you are getting less than 99.9 percent website uptime it is time to look into the cause. It is an ideal time to improve your website's hosting plans, or move your site to a reliable hosting company. If a poor web host is the issue it can take time and money to transfer your website. Remember that a move to a new hosting provider is an investment for your business. If your website experiences less website downtime, it will cost you less money. Investments in a good hosting system and monitoring the downtime of your website is a good investment that will eventually make a profit.

The Bottom Line:

Website downtime is an issue that every website owner has to confront. Every minute your website is down could mean profit loss. One way you can get an accurate image of the time your website is down is to make use of a site monitoring service. After a monitoring service has been put installed, you will be able to keep track of your site's downtime and will be able to tell whether and when you'll need to invest in a hosting upgrade or other steps to minimize the downtime that your website encounters in order to increase your website's profits.


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