How Online Trading Scams Work

One of the most prevalent online trading scams is to initially display profitable trades that give the investor a false sense of confidence, and get them hooked to the idea of ​​‘easy money’.


One of the most prevalent online trading scams is to initially display profitable trades that give the investor a false sense of confidence, and get them hooked to the idea of ​​‘easy money’. Once this confidence is established, the investor will be marketed the idea of ​​investing more money to earn greater returns. Additionally, other incentives may also be provided to encourage the investor to get their friends and family onboard the platform too.

Once the brokerage believes that they have extracted all available funds from an investor and his/her network, they will then proceed to suspend the account, and the investor will no longer be able to access the funds put in.

Having a license from a broker is not a guarantee of the honesty of a broker. Before investing money in a particular broker, be sure to read the reviews on the Scam Brokers Reviews site, this will help you avoid losing funds. Scam Brokers Reviews have already exposed over 500 scam brokers, including FVP Trade broker. Comanja Scam Brokers Reviews talks about different types of online trading scams, including crypto assets, commodities, stocks and world-famous indices. This will help you protect yourself from forex scams.


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