How much do sex dolls weigh?

This guide is intended to help you pick the best sex doll for your purposes. You should find it helpful if you're buying a sex doll and are curious about weight, as well as if you've already bought one and want to make sure it's the right size for you. We hope this will b



Weighing in at about 70 pounds on average, a sex doll is one hefty companion! While this might seem like a lot, the average American woman weighs about 180 pounds (source: CDC) and the average American male weighs about 195 (source: CDC). So, if you plan to lift or carry your doll, know that it will be comparable to carrying a person.

How much do sex dolls weigh?

Weight is a big factor that many people consider when deciding to buy a doll, and it's important to consider the weight of each component of your doll.

The body of your sex doll will be made out of one or more materials such as PVC, TPE or silicone. The lighter the material, the less weight it will have, so if you're looking for something light then choose a TPE or silicone material like our RealDoll 2+! Just remember that some customers prefer heavier dolls because they feel more realistic during use (and we've found that this is true!).

The head comes in two sizes: small and large. Smaller heads weigh between 1-1.5 kg whereas larger heads weigh around 2 kgs. The size difference may seem small but trust us; you'll notice it when using her!

Accessories are also an important factor in determining how heavy your sex doll is going to be when fully equipped with everything she needs (clothes). For example, some outfits can be very heavy due to their fabric content so try not to go overboard on clothes if possible!

What about a doll that is heavy?

You should also consider the weight of your new doll. The larger sex dolls are heavier and can weigh up to 130 pounds. If you have back or shoulder issues, you may want to opt for a lighter doll that is easier to handle. You should also take into account where and how you're going to store your new love doll before purchasing one with such great girth!

If you plan on storing your sex doll in a public space (such as an apartment building), it's important that the item be lightweight so that no one notices its presence when they walk past it by accident!

In addition to the weight of the body, the head will add extra weight.

In addition to the weight of the body, the head will add extra weight. The size of your doll's head will also play a factor in how much it weighs. Generally speaking, larger dolls have larger heads and smaller dolls have smaller heads.

The size of your doll's head can be a factor in how much it weighs. Generally speaking, larger dolls have larger heads and smaller dolls have smaller heads.

If you buy a silicone doll, it can be heavier because the products are filled with silicon.

If you buy a silicone doll, it can be heavier because the products are filled with silicon. The weight depends on the type of doll and its size. For example, a silicone doll with a height of 160 cm weighs about 100 kg (220 lb).

If you want to know more about our sex dolls and choose the best option for yourself, then contact us at [email protected] We will help you choose the best model for your needs!

It is important for me to tell you the actual weight of a sex doll.

Sex dolls are made of silicone, which is soft and durable. They weigh between 40 and 75 pounds depending on the model you choose, who makes it and how much extra customization is included.

The main body of your sex doll will weigh about 40 pounds with clothes on; without clothes it weighs closer to 30 pounds. The head can weigh up to 10 pounds, depending on if there are any accessories attached or not (if so, expect your doll's head to be heavier than usual). The hair adds another 5–10 pounds depending on whether or not you choose one like this

Weight is an important factor when considering safety in handling your sex doll.

Weight is an important factor when considering safety in handling your sex doll. Sex dolls, like humans, must be able to support their own weight. When it comes to the weight of a sex doll and its impact on your health and well-being, there are several things to consider.

  • The first is that someone who is not healthy may have trouble lifting heavy objects without injury or strain on the part of his or her body. This could include a broken bone or pulled muscles as well as other injuries associated with lifting heavy objects improperly or incorrectly.

  • The second consideration is that someone who has had an injury might need assistance from another person when doing tasks such as picking up groceries from their car or moving items from one place to another at home or work. If you have a bad back it might hurt more if you try carrying something very heavy all by yourself instead of getting help from someone else who isn't too tired yet! There are many reasons why having someone else help out can be safer than trying it alone!

Although no one wants his partner to be too heavy or too light, these preferences depend on your personal preference.

  • Weight is important because it affects the doll's durability. Heavier dolls are generally more durable than lighter ones, but they also tend to be harder to move around and store.

  • Weight is important because it affects the doll's portability. If you plan on taking your doll on trips or carrying her upstairs, then you'll want something that's lightweight and easy to carry—otherwise she might end up getting dropped on her head!

  • Weight is important because it affects the doll's appearance. A heavier sex doll will look curvier than a lighter one, which means that heavier models may be more appealing if you're looking for something with an hourglass figure or a voluptuous butt (but again: make sure not too heavy!).


We hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave us a message on our contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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