Prepare a schedule and stick to it (effective instructional tips)

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You should set aside certain hours of each day for study, just as you do for sleeping and eating. You must prepare a schedule for your classes and stick to it. There are several factors to consider when preparing a schedule, such as the schedule that should be achievable, more time for a difficult subject, and less time for an easy subject.

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The amount of time it takes to learn differs from student to student. This depends entirely on the skill of the person and his / her ability to understand concepts. Some students can study for three to four hours continuously without a break, while some students find it difficult to study even for an hour!

On average, two hours of classes every day are recommended. Spending an hour or two every day is better than studying one 12-hour marathon the day before the exam, as it avoids the last minute whirlwind.

It should be noted that taking a coaching course is different, but self-study is different.

Take Intermediate Breaks (Effective Study Tips)

It is very important to take regular breaks during study. If you are feeling tired or frustrated, then you should definitely take a break. Research has shown that if you take a break every two hours of continuous work, your academic performance will be significantly higher.

If you work on a task for too long, it can gradually decrease your productivity. When you take a break, make sure you are away from the study area. During the break, it is recommended to engage in conversation with people, exercise such as walking, running or listening to music. During breaks, you should avoid activities such as watching TV, sleeping or eating heavy meals.

This intermittent break can often help you see a problem differently and even help you solve it better!

Teach What You've Learned (Effective Learning Tips)

If you've learned something, you can check it out by explaining it to someone else. Using this technique, you will learn how best you understood the concept. It will also help you revisit the concept and also the person you are explaining to can learn it.


Learn Every Day (Effective Study Tips)

If you study a little every day, you will constantly revise concepts in your mind. Effective Study Habits It helps you understand things. It also helps in memorizing things for a long time. Studying daily can help you avoid the stress of last minute pressure.

You can schedule a schedule to devote to spend an hour or two each day to keep up to date. If you plan to study alongside exams, you may have to study every day.

You may find it difficult to make time for your studies. You can prioritize your activities and easily set aside time for study. This means shortening the time spent online, or missing out on a weekend plan, etc.

Review and revision (effective teaching tips)

It is human nature that we forget things over a period of time. Hence, you should review and revisit the things you learned in class once a week. It can help you understand the concepts as well as remember when you really need them the most.

  • Test Yourself: You can ask a friend or family member to question you about the concepts you have learned. In turn, you can offer your friends and their jobs. This is a really great way to build confidence in what you know. It can also help you find out what else you need to learn an effective training plan.
  • Prepare your own notes: You can ponder some of the practice exam questions or create your own flashcards to help you learn. The advantage of this technique is that you learn it all twice. once when you prepare study materials and once when you revise them. It helps in memorizing concepts for a long time.

Always stay motivated (effective study tips)

Each person has their own source of motivation. For those who look at the idol, it is inspiring, reading quotes or watching inspiring conversations is a stimulating factor. Students generally find it difficult to stick to their goals.

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As you learn, you have to keep in mind the reasons for doing all the hard work you are working on. You can decorate your classroom with your favorite picture, inspirational quote, or photos of the people you admire the most. This creates the best aura to explore.

During my college years, I was motivated by the following handwritten quote placed against a bookshelf.

Practice on old exams (effective study tips)

You should always practice on the old exam sheets. This is one of the most effective ways to prepare for exams.

This will really help you get used to the format of the questions that come in exams. If you practice this, you can time it out very well and thus help you get better marks on the exam.

This gives you an idea of ​​how much time should be spent on each section.


Brain Meal Snack (Effective Study Tips)

You must instill effective learning habits to avoid unhealthy foods. It turns out that what you eat actually affects your energy levels as well as your mind. You should always keep your body and brain healthy by choosing nutritious foods. Foods such as fish, milk, nuts, seeds, yoghurts, green leafy vegetables, blueberries, etc. are rich in nutrients.

Scientists have proven that eating nutritious foods can improve concentration and memory. During your exam days, you should eat healthy foods that will provide you with energy throughout the day. Students tend to avoid eating during the exam, which leads to weakness, dizziness, and therefore your exams.


It is rightly said that "a healthy mind dwells in a healthy body." This means that if your health is good, you may have a better mindset.

Drink plenty of water (effective training tips)

You must drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated. It is important for your brain to function at its best.

Drinking water and brain function are related to each other. A lack of water in the brain can cause problems such as poor concentration, brain fatigue and brain fog, poor memory, headaches, depression, insomnia, and so on.

According to the scientist, about 70% of your body is made up of water, and every function in the body depends on water. This includes important activities such as the brain and nervous system.

To keep your body well hydrated, you should drink at least four to six liters of water every day. You should also make sure that you continue to drink plenty of water throughout your revision session as well as during the exam.

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